Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog post #11


Little Kids...Big Potential
       This video was about Mrs. Cassidy's first grade class. It was amazing to see everything the children were doing. They are in the first grade and that is the grade I hope to someday teach. After being in this class I have brainstormed on many things I will use involving technology in my classroom. I cannot wait to teach! The students mention "the people in Alabama," and it is nice to hear they enjoy the getting comments. They were also pleased with what they saw on the WIKI'S. The whole time watching this video I imagined what I can do in my classroom with the exact same tools. It is always great to see what classroom teachers are doing with technology!

Skype Interview
     It was very interesting to watch the video between Dr. Strange and Mrs. Cassidy. Many questions were both ask and answered. Like most of the students Dr. Strange was talking about, I use to think I did not need technology. Now I am so excited about doing the things Mrs. Cassidy has done. I am going to be a first grade teacher so this is amazing to me. I plan to have at least a class blog for the parents to look at. I also hope that like her class, my students will have their own blogs that they get on in class at least once a week. She did explain that she had a great technology coordinator to help her with everything. I hope that I can at least find a buddy in the school who does blogging as well. She taught me that it is important to find new things for students to stay interested in. I also learned the importance of protecting the students and that it can be done by things such as only using first names online. It was interesting to see the EDM310 students interact with her. I see how beneficial using things as Skype can be.

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